Full Trailer for CW’s Reaper


Reaper trailer is here!On my 18th birthday, I… I did… well, I honestly don’t remember if anything significant happened. I remember buying beer for all my friends when I turned 21, though…

Anyway, some kids get all the luck. Sam, the titular character in the new CW show “Reaper”, is a perfect example. On his 18th birthday he learns that his parents sold his soul to the devil and now the devil (Ray fucking Wise) has come to collect. Not Sam’s soul, oh no, but the souls of all those who escaped from Hell and are now walking among us on Earth. You’d think Hell would have better security.

His tools? A slacker best friend and a very powerful Dirt Devil, not to mention a bit of telepathy and other mind powers. Check out the new, very lengthy trailer for the show, directed by Kevin Smith, over at CW’s official site now. “Reaper” premieres on September 25th and I gotta admit it looks pretty damn funny; wish I had cable sometimes. Sometimes.

Johnny Butane

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