Dunes End Summer, Carpenter Back!
Perhaps fearing another Hitcher incident (I refuse to believe that movie was successful), Platinum Dunes is expanding its horizons with another original screenplay being brought to the door by the folks at Rogue Pictures.
It’s called Summer’s End, and Variety tells us that it deals with a group of teens (oh God, no…) in a small Oregon town who manage to survive a deadly virus that’s wiped out the adult population and now have to fight for their lives against the military, which is trying to quarantine the area.
While the plot sounds cool and all, the story in Variety contains even better news. Jeremy Passmore (Special) is the screenwriter on Summer’s End, and the trade reports that he just started on a rewrite of a film called The Prince that has none other than John Carpenter attached to direct!
This is the first I’ve heard of The Prince, but apparently it’s being produced by Circle of Confusion. We’ll start digging for more on this and let you all know about both films as soon as we have it!
Wonder what John will have in store of us in our forums!
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