Exclusive: Check Out the All-Puppet Horror Movie Frank & Zed With These Spooky Stills

If you’re a fan of movies that have creepy puppets in them, I have a feeling you’re going to dig the HELL out of Frank & Zed, the self-proclaimed first all hand-puppet feature length film in 30 years! The film follows two monsters who must work together in order to survive, especially when the local townsfolk find out about them and their gory, disgusting means of sating their appetite… The film is currently 90% complete and is seeking funds to finish the film through Kickstarter.
To give you a little taste of what the film is like, we’ve been given several exclusive stills that can be seen below, which show the amount of detail and work that goes into each and every frame.
If you wish The Dark Cyrstal had a little more horror and gore, this is the film for you!
Frank & Zed is the 100% puppet horror monster movie that lives up to that premise. Done with the attention to detail and world building of the Dark Crystal and the mad mayhem and glee of Meet the Feebles (the only other two features done with this method).
It stars two classic monsters, Frank & Zed whose powerful master is long defeated. Since his death, they have survived the wrath of the mob by hiding in the ruins of an old castle. But they are soon discovered and their fates, along with those of the village below, will be decided in the prophesied ‘Orgy of Blood.’