Check Out These Halloween Horror Ornaments by The Gnarled Branch

We here at Dread Central like to shine a spotlight on artists working in the realm of horror. And these Halloween Horror ornaments painted on salvaged burnt out light bulbs by The Gnarled Branch are pretty damn cool.
Check out the gallery below and then let us know what you think!
For more info you can check out The Gnarled Branch on Facebook HERE.
The Gnarled Branch Bio via Facebook:
The idea behind the Gnarled Branch first evolved in 2004 when David Irvine noticed a wooden table that was discarded in the trash. He repaired it, refinished it and it became a beautiful painted piece of functional art. The positive reaction to it from friends and family paved the way for Dave to expand from traditional art formats (i.e. canvas, paper, board etc) into making furniture art.
As well as furniture Dave tried his hand at painting glass ornaments. As a Christmas gift for his wife Noreen, Dave created an ornament featuring a pixie holding a lantern with moss and small stones glued to add depth to the design. Feeling quite taken by it for it’s detail and uniqueness, along with the furniture that received so much positive feedback, she felt that they should start a business to fully market Dave’s abilities as a professional artist.
From there the Gnarled Branch was born.
Being an active home-based business, the Gnarled Branch attends various art festivals which causes most people to stop for a second look to admire the originality, humour and skill that Dave applies to his work.
David Irvine has been refining and pushing the boundaries of “redirected” art with a unique and original spin almost as long as his good friend, Marcel Duchamp. David’s quirky and very popular style is created by repurposing unwanted prints or original art from thrift stores or found at yard sales and painted upon using his own style of creativity. Seemingly random subject matter including pop cultural references, political comment, the camp and the absurd, often combining all these elements to create truly original art pieces.
David as well does his own ‘entire’ work, which dips into the pop art and dark surreal themes.
Over the years David’s work has gone viral multiple times thanks to social media websites and personal celebrity endorsements like George Takei. A direct result of this coverage has been a rise of collectors from Australia, Europe, Japan and the United States.
Prints and other merchandise of Irvine’s work is available for purchase on Redbubble and originals can be viewed on Etsy as well as his personal website