#Brainwaves Episode 63: Paranormal Investigators Greg and Dana Newkirk: The Billy Idol Investigation! LISTEN NOW!


Strange things have been known to happen during the paranormal-themed episodes of Brainwaves, and Episode 63 was no exception. It was riddled with technical difficulties. Our guests, paranormal investigators Greg and Dana Newkirk, had warned us that Billy the Idol was known for corrupting and/or erasing files. Billy is, shall we say, NOT FOND OF TECHNOLOGY.

After the show ended, I reviewed the mp3 file before putting it up on our podcast server. From the intro of Greg and Dana on, there was nothing but distortion. Stranger still – even though the show itself ran about 2 hours and 35 minutes, the length of the mp3 file – for whatever reason – clocked in at 3 hours and 19 minutes. None of this makes sense.

Episode 63 was on its way to being the first officially “Lost” episode. Thankfully… and PURELY BY ACCIDENT, Greg had his Skype recorder running, so at the very least we were able to salvage the interview/investigation portion of the show, which runs about an hour and a half.

For whatever reason, even though Joe, Dana, and Greg’s audio was perfectly fine… mine sounded as if I were on another planet. Even more troublesome – during the show I was reading transcriptions of some of the EVPs that the Newkirks had provided. Not the best time for my audio to suck ass. We’ve done our best to fix my sound levels, but just in case, here are the transcriptions of the EVPs so you can listen and read along.

Billy EVP 1:

Greg: “Who is your owner?”
Billy: “I don’t have one”
Greg: “What do you think about all these people in the room staring at you?”
Billy: “Why are they staring?”
Greg: “Would you rather be back in your sack?”
Billy: “I live there.”
Greg: “Where are you from?”
Billy: “From nightmares.”
Greg: “What do you want?”
Billy: “I want… to come out!”

Billy EVP 2:

Event host: “Alright, just close your eyes and focus on the word ‘GOAT’.”
Billy: “I am NOT a goat, John Tenney’s a LIAR!”

Billy EVP 3:

Jeff: “…turn this recorder on, and setting it at the base of the Idol.”
Billy: “Hi!”
Jeff: “Billy, where did Greg go?”
Billy: “Outside, motherfucker! Hahaha!”
Jeff: “Do you like it when Greg’s gone?”
Billy: “He’s not gone, Jeff… he’s in the HALLWAY!”
Jeff: “Do you want him to come back?”
Billy: “Come back, Greg!”

Billy EVP 4:

Greg: “Alright, Billy, this is the third group of the night. Can you say hi to everybody?”
Billy: “Hi, everybody.”
Greg: “How do you think the night’s been going so far?”
Billy: “Pretty good!”
Greg: “Can you tell everybody what you’re real name is?”
Billy: “I can’t… it’s a secret.”
Greg: “Are you happy to be hanging’ out with Jeff again?”
Billy: “I like Jeff.”
Greg: “What do you think about the Dark Mirror?”
Billy: “Bad… energy.”
Greg: “Are you happy?”
Billy: [unintelligible / laughter]

Billy EVP 5:

Greg: “Billy, why are you not letting us 3D scan your face?”
Billy: “That’s mine, fucker! Is it going to hurt me?”
Greg: “Is there something you would like us to give you before you allow us to scan you?”
Billy: “Yes.”
Jason: “Do you understand what we’re doing?”
Billy: “I don’t want to be scanned.”

Paranormal investigators Greg and Dana Newkirk, who first appeared in Episode 33 of Brainwaves: Horror and Paranormal Talk Radio (listen here), returned for Episode 63 to talk about one of their most haunted objects, the doll known as Billy Idol. Even cooler, we joined them in an impromptu live on the air investigation of this curious curio.

It’s radio without a safety net, kids. It’s Brainwaves: Horror and Paranormal Talk Radio.

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Spooky, funny, touching, honest, offensive, and at times completely random, Brainwaves airs live every Wednesday evening beginning at 8:00 PM Pacific Time (11:00 midnight Eastern Time) and runs about 3 hours per episode.

Knetter and Creepy will be taking your calls LIVE and unscreened via Skype, so let your freak flags fly! Feel free to add BrainWavesTalk to your Skype account so you can reach us, or call in from a landline or cellphone – 858 480 7789. The duo also take questions via Twitter; you can reach us at @BrainwavesRadio or @UncleCreepy, @JoeKnetter, or @MrDarkDC and @JonathanBarkan using the hashtag #BrainWaves.

Have a ghost story or a paranormal story but can’t call in? Feel free to email it to me directly at UncleCreepy@dreadcentral.com with “Brainwaves Story” in your subject line. You can now become a fan of the show via the official… BRAINWAVES FACEBOOK PAGE!

Brainwaves: Horror and Paranormal Talk Radio is hosted live (with shows to be archived as they progress) right here on Dread Central. You can tune in and listen via the FREE TuneIn Radio app or listen to TuneIn right through the website!

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