It’s The First Anniversary Halloween Party For DreadVision! Tales of Halloween to be Screened!

Can you believe it’s been a year? Last year in October, we debuted DreadVision at the Alamo Drafthouse in Richardson, TX with Night Of The Creeps. A year and 11 great movies later, we’re ready to start year number two with a shindig!
NEXT WEEK on Tuesday, October 10th at 9pm, we’ll gather at the Alamo Drafthouse to celebrate the 1st Anniversary Halloween Party with Tales Of Halloween! Courtesy of our partner, Epic Pictures, this truly is a Dread Central film. Most of the staff past and present (at the time of the shooting, anyway) is either in the movie or worked on it. I’m one of the only exceptions, as I’m out here in Texas and am not one of these privileged Hollywood types like the rest of the staff. Of course, Foywonder isn’t in it, either, as he’s a figment of our imagination. Or a tulpa. I’m not sure.
An anthology of Halloween-themed tales, Tales of Halloween is a kick-ass collection of horror goodies. Next week, it’ll be paired with an awesome Box of Dread challenge and a bunch of party favors and swag for everyone who comes out for the show.
As always, tickets are just $5 and are ON SALE NOW at the Alamo Drafthouse site. Help us usher in the next year of horror goodness as the best horror site and the best movie theater in the world come together to bring you this killer film series.