Neill Blomkamp Teams With Unity For Two Short Films


Neill Blomkamp is moving into new technological territories with the announcement that he’s used Unity Technologies’ Unity 2017 platform as the foundation for two upcoming short films, ADAM: The Mirror and ADAM: The Prophet. Per an official press release, “…these short films showcase the power of working within an integrated real-time environment – empowering the team to build, texture, animate, light, and render all in Unity to deliver high-quality graphics at a fraction of the cost and time of a normal film production cycle.

The two films are follow-ups to ADAM, a short film from Blomkamp that was released last year. It went on to win multiple online and festival awards.

Blomkamps explains, “Ever since I started making films I’ve dreamed of a virtual sandbox that would let me build, shoot and edit photorealistic worlds all in one place. Today that dream came true thanks to the power of Unity 2017. The fact that we could achieve near photorealistic visuals at half of average time of our production cycles is astounding. The future is here and I can’t wait to see what our fans think.

ADAM: The Mirror will premiere later today during the Unite Austin 2017 Keynote live stream, which will begin at 4pm PST. A teaser of the film, as well as parts of ADAM: The Propeht, can be seen below.

If we haven’t made it clear by now, we’re HUGE fans of Blomkamp and Oats Studios. The films they’re creating are, quite possibly, the most fascinating, interesting, and beautiful offerings of sci-fi/horror that have come out in recent years. If he manages to get the right funding for his efforts, I have a feeling that he could easily become the next Ridley Scott. Yes, I’m that confident in his abilities as not only a filmmaker but also as a storyteller.



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