The Walking Dead Creator Enters the Gateway to Sci-Fi

Robert Kirkman isn’t one to rest upon his laurels. His The Walking Dead series alone is so ridiculously successful that we’re pretty sure he could retire right now but he keeps on moving and that’s why we love him so. Variety is reporting that Kirkman’s Skybound Entertainment has optioned the Frederik Pohl novel Gateway for development as a TV series.
The 1977 novel is the first of six books in the “Heechee Saga” that chronicles the history of an alien race. The deal with Pohl’s estate gives Skybound the ability to develop properties based on the other five books as well.
Gateway is among Pohl’s noted works, earning both Hugo and Nebula awards.
“Working on one of the seminal works of science fiction is an honor and a privilege,” said Skybound CEO David Alpert. “I have had these books on my shelf for over 30 years, so getting to work on them is a dream come true.”
Gateway tells the story of a poor miner, Robinette Stetley Broadhead, who makes a dangerous trip into space to seek a fortune and escape the difficulties of living on a barren and overcrowded Earth.
The option pact was set with Frederik Pohl IV, co-executor of the Pohl estate, alongside Elizabeth Anne Hull, the author’s widow. Curtis Brown Ltd. handled the deal on behalf of the estate.
“Dr. Hull and I are excited that Frederik Pohl’s Gateway has found a home at Skybound,” said Frederik Pohl IV. “Their long interest in my father’s work and their insight into it give us confidence that they are the perfect people to bring the ‘Heechee Saga’ to a massive audience.”
More as it comes.