Hell House, LLC Gets a Director’s Cut

One of the best found-footage horror flicks out there, Hell House, LLC, is getting itself a director’s cut this October and we have your first look and details right here.
“Hell House, LLC was shot in May of 2014 while working full-time at another job,” says director Stephen Cognetti. “I was only able to edit a little each morning or a little at night. That lead to a year-long editing process until I had my locked version of the film.”
“My intent for Hell House, LLC was to produce a slow burn of subtle, yet building scares. I have never been a fan of jump scares or music aided scares. My favorite type of scares in horror has always been the little things caught in the background that the protagonists are not immediately aware of. I worked to embody these sensibilities in Hell House, LLC.”
You can order your copy of the DVD, which is being released on October 1st, right here!
Five years after an unexplained malfunction causes the death of 15 tour-goers and staff on the opening night of a Halloween haunted house tour, a documentary crew travels back to the scene of the tragedy to find out what really happened.
Special Features:
- Director’s commentary track
- Feature film extended cut (97 minutes)
- Feature film includes recovered basement footage!
- Over 30 minutes of bonus material.
- Behind the scenes video
- Deleted scenes
- Cast auditions video
- Unreleased movie trailer