Italy Treads Dark Waters on DVD

While many of us are very familiar with Mariano Baino’s film Dark Waters (review), amazingly enough the film was never released in its homeland, Italy. That’s about to change.
From the Press Release:
DARK WATERS, the feature film directed by Mariano Baino which, over the years, has become, in the words of Italian newspaper La Repubblica, “a veritable object of veneration for horror fans,” will finally be released on DVD in Italy.
“Incredibly enough, although many consider it an “Italian movie,” DARK WATERS has been released many times around the world but had never been released in Italy… until now!” Mariano Baino says with a smile. The director, who was born in Italy, left his country at 19 and lived and worked in London, England, for over 20 years, before moving to New York, where he currently resides, thanks to a “Special Ability Green Card” granted to Baino by the US Government for his talent and achievements as a film director and multi-media artist.
The Italian release of DARK WATERS (street date November 22, 2017) will be distributed by brand new DVD label Shockproof (a joint venture between Kinoglazorama International and Penny Video) headed by Michele De Angelis and Simone Starace, who, for the occasion, have put together a truly juicy package for Italian audiences.
In fact, for this much awaited release, supervised by the film’s director, DARK WATERS will be accompanied by a plethora of exclusive extra content, for the first time ever in Italian, expressly prepared for this release:
- A new Audio Commentary in Italian by Director Mariano Baino, moderated by Shockproof’s Michele De Angelis.
- A new Italian language featurette, TUTTA COLPA DI LOVECRAFT, filmed in the underground vaults of historic film laboratory LVR in Rome, in which Baino recounts, aided by exclusive video interstices he personally shot and edited, his artistic and personal journey, which led him from Tarzan comics to the Cosmic Horror he discovered in Lovecraft’s work.
- The new Italian language featurette AQUA DESTRUIT ECCLESIAM, in which Baino talks about the filming of one of the most spectacular scenes in Dark Waters, with the help of the original rushes, up until recently, only shown publicly in the very successful US release of the film on Blu-ray on the Severin Films label.
- Furthermore, the disc will play host to CARUNCULA, Mariano Baino’s renowned short film that legendary writer Ramsey Campbell has called “a small masterpiece of sustained perversity.” The short film will be preceded by a new introduction, once again for the first time in Italian, by the director.
And, as if all that wasn’t enough, the disc will sport a brand new cover, a digital painting the director himself painted expressly for his film’s first ever Italian release.
“I am honored by the fact that the film will finally be released in Italy!” Mariano declares enthusiastically, “Michele De Angelis and Simone Starace, Shockproof’s head honchos, have an encyclopedic knowledge and a deep respect for cinema, and my film couldn’t be in better hands!”
“Abroad, Dark Waters is considered one of the last great horror films directed by an Italian and has become, over the years, a veritable cult, celebrated by fans and press the world over,” declares Michele De Angelis.
“Dark Waters is a film that the Italians fans have been eagerly and patiently waiting for,” adds Simone Starace, “and Shockproof is delighted to present this masterpiece of fantastic cinema in a special edition personally supervised and approved by the director himself.”