The WWE Spoofed Twin Peaks Last Night


The WWE is often known to reference outside properties during their between-match sketches and storylines. But last night, they decided to venture into the Black Lodge by doing a spoof of David Lynch and Mark Frost’s “Twin Peaks”.

In the sketch, Tyler “Prince Pretty” Breeze is trying to enjoy a cup of coffee when the flights flicker and his Breezango tag team partner Fandango appears, shaking and speaking strangely. Then The Ascension show up, one of whom is holding a log that he pours maple syrup on. In a rather hilarious moment, Breeze looks at the situation and states, “No wonder this show got cancelled the first time!” A bit of a sting, to be certain, but I can’t argue that the original series was pretty weird! At the end of the scene, Breeze wakes up from his nightmare and speaks into a cassette recorder where he addresses, you guessed it, Diane.

Breezango have been known to parody TV shows in their backstage skits, much to the delight of WWE audiences. They’ve done shows like “The X-Files” and “Walker Texas Ranger” and the current storyline they’re on is that Fandango was kidnapped during the last PPV, so Breeze is on a mission to find him!

Check out the video of this scene below!



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