Prepare to Enter … Nightmare Alley!


Your host, The Butcher... Sean Smithson!It’s amazing what you can find just by spending some time on a message board. Ours, especially!

Seems we have some kind of sexy cool magnet for attracting talented, motivated horror freaks, which is one of the reasons we’ve been doing this so successfully (in one form or another) throughout the years. Most recently we discovered a veritable horror renaissance man right under our very noses. You know him as The Butcher, but his real name is Sean Smithson, and he had a dream.

“I had always been obsessed with film, literally since I was 3 years old,” he explained to us. “The time came where the desire was just too great to get involved with filmmaking, and my commitment to music, which I had been into in one form or another since my teens, was waning.” What came of this waning musical interest combined with a desire to do something, anything with horror? Nightmare Alley.

“The format of Nightmare Alley is short films, celebrity interviews, trailers, the odd metal vid (it’s still in my blood!), and whatever craziness gets thrown in on top of it all,” he confessed when we forced him, physically, to explain himself. “It’s a love letter to the Creature Features program I grew up on here in the SF Bay area (featuring my spiritual godfather, the venerable Mr. Bob Wilkins {pictured below}!), with my own spin thrown on it and geared towards stuff a wee bit more caustic.”

Bob Wilkins!When we heard about Nightmare Alley, our slightly pointed ears pricked up; we were staring down the barrel of a horror-filled variety show the likes of which we’d only ever talked about as a “someday” project, and here was a guy who went out and did it all on his own. Why? Because he fucking wanted to. That’s the kind of guy you want on your side.

Nightmare Alley was homeless; we had a home for it. The bond was symbiotic. Of course, you still have to wait a bit before you can see the first episode, but don’t worry; it’ll be here soon, and you’re going to love it. Or else.

Check out the official Nightmare Alley MySpace page for more info on what you can expect from the show! If you’re a filmmaker, in a band, or just think you’re cool enough for Nightmare Alley, Sean’s always looking for new stuff to feature, so be sure to contact him through the Nightmare Alley MySpace page!

Johnny Butane

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