Big Plans for Trailer Park
Seems like no one making horror films these days can be happy with just one movie; everyone wants to make a franchise, a series, a massive, sprawling enterprise of terror.
Gotta love it!
Such is the case with Jonathan Bogner, producer of the upcoming comic book adaptation Trailer Park of Terror, which we last told you about here. While visiting the set, Shock Till You Drop learned that Bogner’s got some very large hopes and dreams for the series, all of them bloody: “The potential for ‘Trailer Park of Terror’ is really multi-faceted. We think it has the ability to be a franchise film series,” Bogner explained, “As far as it being an anthology, there’s a challenge in that. We’d love to do it where Norma [the comic and film’s iconic ‘bogeywoman’] bookends it. But we want the stories to come out organically of the trailer park, so there’s a nexus and connection to the trailer with every story. There’s also a broadband series here. What we’ve done [during production] is digitally photographed the entire set and we are going to create animated characters within a real world environment.”
Broadband? Why not? Everyone else is doing it, and Bogner was actually one of the first, working in the mid-90’s with Disney on sites for The Lion King and Toy Story, so he’s got the necessary chops to see it happen. A potential TV series is being discussed as well.
Dream big, Bogner, dream big. We’ll have more from Trailer Park for you soon; for now be sure to check out its MySpace page and official site to keep abreast of developments!
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