I Bleed Indie: A VOD Platform For Indie Horror Fans


Listen up, indie horror fans! The Blood Shed has launched a VOD platform which focuses solely on the promotion of indie and international horror. Read on for details.

I Bleed Indie has already acquired over 100 feature films for the service, with more on the way. The VOD service is already featuring some DIY-produced gems and the latest releases from stellar labels like Artsploitation, Wild Eye, Brinkvision, and more.

The service is home to domestic and foreign features and shorts. Features will rent for $2.00, featurettes for $1.00, and shorts for $.50 with 90% of revenue going directly to the filmmakers. Considering most indie filmmakers don’t make a dime, that’s a pretty sweet deal.

As you well know, some of the finest horror flicksĀ out there come from the underground, and serious horror aficionados owe it to themselves to check out what this service has to offer. We’re talking quality horror rentable for pocket change. What are you waiting for?

Keep up to date by following the platform’s Facebook page or visitingĀ the website at ibleedindie.com.

I Bleed Indie



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