Rob Zombie Talks House of 1000 Corpses Extended Cut

The road to get Rob Zombie’s House of 1000 Corpses to the big screen was a well documented rocky one. From the fiasco with Universal to the film eventually landing at Lionsgate, there were a lot of moving parts that changed it here and there.
There’s long been talk of an extended cut of the film that clocks in at 105 minutes, much longer than the 89-minute cut that was released. It is said to have gorier kills, more with Sheri Moon’s “Baby” character, and even revealed that Grandpa Hugo was actually Doctor Satan. So, will we ever see any of this?
According to a recent interview with Fangoria, Zombie pretty much has abandoned all hope.
“I don’t think it ever will [be released] because I don’t think anyone knows where any of it is, truthfully,” said Zombie. “Even when they put together the DVD, which was 13 years ago, we couldn’t find anything because they had shot two hundred interviews in the time since the shoot. We had behind-the-scenes stuff, make-up tests, all these different things; and nobody could find it. It was all lost. That’s why I think whatever exists is all that’s going to ever exist.”
Then again, Zombie has been known to have some fun at his fans’ expense, so it wouldn’t surprise us if he one day came out of nowhere and said, “HERE IT IS!”
Never say never.