Ariescope’s Annual Halloween Short Has Arrived – Don’t Do It!

One of our favorite Hallowee-time traditions has become Ariescope and Adam Green’s annual Halloween short! This year’s, entitled Don’t Do It stars Chase Williamson and the legendary Sid Haig! Check it out!
For more Ariescope Halloween shorts, including fan favorite Jack-Chop (Fahkin’), check out the official Ariescope website! Congrats on your 18th year kicking ass Ariescope. We love ya!
A man encounters a moral dilemma while carving his Halloween Jack-O-Lantern. Chase Williamson (JOHN DIES AT THE END, THE GUEST) and Sid Haig (THE DEVIL’S REJECTS, JACKIE BROWN) star in ArieScope Pictures’ 18th annual Halloween short film- written and directed by Adam Green (HATCHET, FROZEN, HOLLISTON, JACK CHOP).