Update and New Concept Art: Michael Bartlett’s Timeless

Filmmaker Michael Bartlett (The Zombies Diaries) just dropped us a line to clue us in on the status of one of his upcoming projects, Timeless, which we’ve been covering a lot around here. Sadly, there’s a bit of delay on the horizon.
“The script has been around all the top sales agents in Hollywood, thanks to the legendary exec Ruth Vitale, who backed the project back in April 2010,” Barlett tells us. “In order to make the project more ‘commercial’ to their investors, the vision had to be tweaked slightly, hence the new artwork. It is being described by a lot of the studios and sales agents as ‘Looper meets Source Code‘.”
Bartlett continues, “In many ways, I am facing the same problems now that Rian Johnson was facing two years ago with his own time travel film, ‘Looper’. He had a great script, but because his lead (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) was not that well known, he had to wait until ‘Inception’ was released before his film finally became fully financed, and it has only just started casting literally days ago. Similarly, my lead, Robert Kazinsky, is a household name in the UK, but his breakthrough movies in the USA will not be released for the next few years.”
Knowing Michael as well as we do, we can pretty much guarantee that he’ll stick to his guns, as any good filmmaker would, until the time comes that he can indeed make the movie that he wants to make. Besides he and his partner, Kevin Gates, already have another film greenlit so Timeless would have had to wait anyway. More news soon. In the interim dig on some new concept artwork.

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