Fantasia 2016: New Poster for Atmo HorroX

Another, quite surreal this time, one-sheet is here for Atmo HorroX, which will have its World Premiere at the Revelation Perth International Film Festival in July, then quickly followed by the Fantasia Film International Film Festival on July 25th at 9:45pm and July 29th at 11:55pm. Check out the eye candy right here.
About Atmo HorroX:
One of the most gleefully twisted films that has screened at Revelation, Atmo HorroX is a gloriously crazed psychedelic sci-fi horror hybrid.
With its combination of occasional violence, deconstructed camp, and full on wild insanity, the film rightly positions its surrealism and dream-logic front-and-centre of its genre-bending narrative, creating a movie that embraces its zero budget and takes the audience on a one-of-a-kind journey unique to each person.
Through a very surreal chase of spying and surveillance, Catafuse, a dubiously dressed “creature,” hunts down specific human targets with the help of Molosstrap. But in a world completely run by the shadowy hands of the pharmaceutical industry, the lines of reality become so blurry and complex that the mastering of insanity might just be the only way out…
Luridly coloured, full of the kind of imagery that defies ready description (trust us, you will never view balloons in the same way again), this is a film that really needs to be experienced.
Atmo HorroX could be compared to George and Mike Kuchar lo-fi underground cinema and even the Butthole Surfers/Alex Winter Bar-B-Que Movie, but really it’s its own wonderfully strange luminous beast.
It really is quite impossible to describe and is utterly confounding at every turn – and really very amusing because of it.