Survive an Attack of the Killer Shrews in September


I have fond memories as a kid of watching the original 1959 film The Killer Shrews on the UK’s Horror Channel (which was briefly called Zone Horror) so I’m sure up for seeing the remake.

Set for release in September, this new incantation of the story of giant versions of the animals that are commonly mistaken for rodents will also feature a special introduction from Lloyd Kaufman.

From the Press Release:
For the past two years, Niagara Falls-based White Lion Studios has been cooking up something awful: a splatstick remake of the 1959 cult classic The Killer Shrews, a low budget creature feature made popular by Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

The original film, directed by Ray Kellogg and starring James Best, is best known for its schlocky monster puppets and dogs in costumes. “We did our very best to stay true to the original,” says remake writer/director Ken Cosentino. “Our puppets are really quite terrible, and there’s hardly any CGI used in our version.” Cosentino has worked as a hired gun for companies such as Troma and The Asylum. This is his fourth feature film as director.

The remake stars Bill Kennedy and Elizabeth Houlihan as well as newcomer (to acting) legendary animator Jonathan Rogers. At 78 years young, Rogers promises to steal the show with his physical comedy. The film also includes a special introduction by Lloyd Kaufman, creator of The Toxic Avenger.

Attack of the Killer Shrews! is slated to be released this September by White Lion Studios. Says Cosentino, “We decided from the very beginning to distribute it ourselves. We really want to make sure that it finds its audience, b-movie lovers and fans of the original, because this is a love song to Kellogg’s cult classic.”

For more information, visit the film’s official website at


killer shrews poster (1)



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