What has Eight Legs and Three Dimensions? Spider 3D!

Nu Image is certainly no stranger to giant spiders, having produced the fun 2000 nature gone amok flick Spiders and its much less fun sequel. Its sister company Millenium Films is getting in on the current 3D craze with the Nic Cage 3D revenge flick Drive Angry. Tibor Takacs is no stranger to monster spiders either, having directed Syfy’s Ice Spiders. Sounds like a perfect recipe for Spider 3D.
A reader tipped me off that Nu Image has updated its website with artwork and a little information regarding its latest creature feature, simply titled Spider 3D. As you can probably imagine, yes, it is a 3D spider flick.
“A new species of poisonous spider is discovered in the caves of Afghanistan and inadvertently makes its way to New York City, where it mutates to gigantic proportions and wreaks havoc on the entire city.”
Tibor Takacs has spent the past several years directing a plethora of Syfy creature features (and disaster flicks) such as the previously mentioned Ice Spiders as well as the likes of Mansquito and Mega Snake. For those that might dismiss him as merely a Syfy director, I might need to remind you that back in the late Eighties he also helmed I, Madman and The Gate.
Could Spider 3D be his ticket back to the big screen, or is this three-dimensional giant arachnid destined to only pop out of television screens? We’ll keep you posted.
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