The UK Frowns Upon the Inbred

Some people, man! In what has to be the WTF? story of the weekend, it turns out that there are some folks in the UK against having the horror film Inbred about (what else?) inbred locals made there for fear of viewers thinking it would be based on fact. How we wish we’re making this shit up! It’s good to know that our friends across the pond can be just as silly as we are here at times!
The story comes from Darlington and Stickton Times:
“Locals fear plans to film a £100,000 horror movie about inbred locals in a market town will lead viewers to think it is based on fact. Film crews hope to begin shooting in and around Thirsk from July on the movie Inbred but so far they have not received a warm welcome.
The movie revolves around a group of wayward teens sent out into the country with their guardians to do community service. They come across the small fictional town of Mortlake which is filled with inbred locals who do not want the outsiders there. Trouble flares and blood is shed in the film which has been dubbed a cross between The League of Gentlemen, which mocks small town stereotypes, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
But a local councillor fears viewers may feel that the locals of Mortlake are in fact based on real people in Thirsk giving a bad impression. Councillor Derek Adamson, mayor of Thirsk, said: “We don’t want that sort of publicity.
“If the film is promoting the area or it’s a historical piece, then that’s fine and we have no problem with it. It’s quite probable that people will think the characters in the film are like real Thirsk people, and that is not a good impression.”
Local scriptwriter Paul Shrimpton, of Carlton Miniott, near to Thirsk, has teamed up on the project with director Alex Chandon. Mr Chandon has made several films including Cradle of Fear and Pervirella featuring an orgy and topless women. Coun Adamson also had reservations about the movie if it followed Mr Chandon’s earlier work.
He said: “If it’s anything like his previous work, then I don’t think he will be really welcome here. I think people will draw comparisons to real people, and if one of the crew lives here, I would hope they would want to put a more positive angle on it.”
Funding is in place for the movie’s shooting and many of the cast spots filled although there are still a few vacancies. It is hoped to have Inbred, dubbed a black comedy, ready for cinematic release in 2011.
In the UK and want to … um … join the family? Good for you! Visit the official Inbred website to find out how!

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