New Illustrations from Gris Grimly’s Frankenstein

One project we’re ever so patiently waiting for is Gris Grimly’s illustrated Frankenstein book, due out in the fall of 2011. Luckily, the multi-talented Grimly has been doling out one illustration a week on his blog, and we’ve got a couple of them here so you can see why we’re so excited about the project.
When completed, there will be three volumes to the book with an estimated 200 illustrated pages needed to tell the story in the style Grimly has chosen. The drawings have been appearing on Gris Grimly’s Frankenstein blog, where you can also read about his trials and tribulations dealing with his publishing company’s editor and art director. Really funny stuff that led Grimly to realize something we here at DC have known for quite some time: “Meetings always go better when there is whiskey involved.”
Illustration #1
Victor’s mother has just passed away, and his journey to Ingolstadt to attend university comes to be. “This period was spent sadly; my mother’s death, and my speedy departure, depressed our spirits”.

Illustration #2
This is another image that portrays the unique and stylized take I have chosen for the world. Here, Victor visits professor M Waldman and discusses science, chemistry, and philosophy. Victor is given a tour of M Waldman’s laboratory and his “various machines”. I have taken this opportunity to visually narrate the technology used to create the monster. This idea came to me when I read the passages “He then took me into his laboratory, and explained to me the uses of his various machines” and “not to derange their mechanism”. I thought about having these crazy machines that M Waldman created that operate on the reanimated muscle and organs of living creatures by a glowing green fluid. These bizarre contraptions become the springboard to Victor’s imagination, using these same techniques to bring his own creation to life (by “deranging the mechanism” of course).

Illustration #3
In this image, Victor is first introduced to the young Elizabeth, who is adopted and brought home by his mother. Victor’s mother was so taken by this beautiful and gentle child that she immediately considers her to be the future wife of Victor. The part I like most about this page is the ribcage and heart binding the two as adults.

Along with keeping tabs on Gris via his blog, be sure to also follow him on Twitter!
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