Super 8 Website Opens

The mystery continues as the official website for the Steven Spielberg produced next film for JJ Abrams, Super 8, has just come online. The good news? You can sign up for e-mail alerts. The bad? Other than that it’s filled with a whole lot of nothing!
Keep an eye on it, though, as we’re sure that any minute the teaser trailer that’s been attached to this weekend’s release of Iron Man 2 is bound to pop up, leaving no more need for the blurry, shaky, poor quality bootlegs that have been littering the Internet for the last twelve plus hours.
Super 8 tells the tale of bunch of kids who are shooting a movie with a Super 8 camera that notice upon viewing their footage that they’ve captured what appears to be an alien on film.
Like we’ve said before, if you have seen the teaser … share your thoughts, and let the discussion begin!
Click on the image below to check out the official site.

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