A Nightmare on Elm Street: 3D Sequel Already in the Works

Remember last year when the equally as abysmal Friday the 13th remake made bank at the box office, raking in just over $40 million its first weekend? Sequel talk was on fire! The following weekend Friday dropped a monumental 80%. Sequel talk is now dead. Yet, we’re hearing some all too familiar echoes coming out of the Platinum Dunes camp.
Given that A Nightmare on Elm Street looks to have taken in around $35 million this weekend (official numbers coming soon), the buzz from New Line Cinema and of course Brad Fuller himself via his Twitter page is that a 3D sequel is “already in the works”.
Given that the new Freddy flick will be facing Iron Man 2 next weekend, we’re thinking we’ll see a similar drop off in box office numbers like we did with Friday. So the question beckons – Can all this sequel talk amount to a second theatrical go-around? If so here’s a little advice —
Drop your music video directors and give the gig to a filmmaker who gives a shit about the franchise.
Given that you have an entire dreamworld at your disposal where ANYTHING could happen, try using your imagination instead of pooping out scene for scene rehashes.
And for the love of God …
Redesign Freddy’s make-up so that he’s at least a bit more menacing than Jim Carrey’s portrayal of Fire Marshall Bill on “In Living Color”.

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