Jonathan Frid Reprises Role of Barnabas Collins for Dark Shadows Audio Return

Hey, “Dark Shadows” fans! Do we have some news for you! Your favorite toothy vampire, Barnabas Collins, is back with the man who gave him his bite, Jonathan Frid, once again steering the old terror ship!
From the Press Release:
Big Finish Productions is proud to announce that Jonathan Frid will be returning to the role of vampire Barnabas Collins for the very first time in The Night Whispers, an all-new Dark Shadows audio drama. As reluctant vampire Barnabas Collins, Jonathan Frid helped establish Dark Shadows as a pop culture phenomenon. Joining him for this special release is Emmy Award-winner John Karlen as Willie Loomis with legendary horror star Barbara Steele, who played Dr Julia Hoffman in the 1991 Dark Shadows remake on NBC.
Dark Shadows audio producer and writer Stuart Manning comments: “Big Finish has been producing Dark Shadows audio dramas with the classic cast since 2006, and it’s an honour to welcome Jonathan back as Barnabas for this special release.”
Dark Shadows: The Night Whispers will be released on CD in June as part of Big Finish’s ongoing series of dramatic readings. Also out in June is London’s Burning starring David Selby and Louise Jameson, followed in July by The Doll House, starring Marie Wallace, which concludes the current series.
To listen to the first teaser trailer for The Night Whispers, click here.
Long since released from his vampire curse, Barnabas Collins has settled into a new life away from the supernatural. But when a powerful storm sweeps through Collinsport, the elements bring back memories of past sins. Who is the mysterious spirit whispering in the darkness, and what is its connection with Barnabas?
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