Adam Scott Talks Piranha 3D – It’s All About Boobs and Blood! Hallelujah!

Know what gets under our skin? When celebrities are out promoting horror films that they’re in and they refuse to admit that it’s a horror movie. Like the genre is below them or something. One of the stars of Alexandre Aja’s upcoming Piranha in 3D, Adam Scott, doesn’t have such issues. In fact his recent interviews read like a breath of fresh air!
During an interview with USA Today Scott dropped the following on fans regarding the flick:
“There’s a massacre scene where all the piranhas attack a big party that’s happening in a lake, where they had a gas tanker truck that was filled with blood. On the side of the lake, it had a tube coming out of it, going underground and coming up at the bottom of the lake, and it was just pumping blood into the lake for this massacre scene. I think there actually is more blood spilled in this film than ever before. But it was some special biodegradable fake blood, because we were in a lake.”
His refreshing bravado continued in an interview with AV Club —
“It was 115 degrees in Lake Havasu, Arizona, where we were working, and the entire movie takes place outside during the day. So it was miserable, but it was really fun because they were cool people, like Paul Scheer and Elisabeth Shue and Jerry O’Connell,” he tells the site. “It was really fun, but the movie itself—apparently it’s the bloodiest movie in history, which is easy to believe, because at the lake we were shooting at, they had a tanker truck filled with fake blood that would just pump into the lake continually during this one massacre scene. So apparently gallon for gallon, the bloodiest movie of all time. So take that information and either come see it or avoid it.”
In regards to the 3D process we’re going to get —
“It’s one of these conversion ones, where they shot it on regular film and they’re going to turn it into a 3D movie,” he continues. “No, they didn’t have me lean in and say my lines into the camera. Every shot, they had to shoot without us in the shot. So they would shoot it and then they’d shoot the effects scene without us in it. I guess that’s a pretty boring factoid.”
And in closing Scott added, “I love watching stupid shit. I think Piranha won’t be in the guilty-pleasure category because it’s gonna be—well, yeah, maybe for some people. From what I’ve seen, it has a sense of humor about itself, and it’s also really scary and really, really violent. I would call it a popcorn movie from the planet Popcorn. It’s just all boobs, blood, and—I don’t know, what’s the other “b”? Barbecue.”
Sign us up! Look for Piranha to spawn into theaters on August 27th.
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