Update on Nightbreed Uncut — Morgan Creek Listening to Fans?

Could it be? Could it actually be? Studios usually never listen to fans, but horror fans? We’re a rowdy bunch, and we like to get stuff done. As a result …
When we first wrote about the lost footage from Clive Barker’s Nightbreed being found, the studio in possession of it, Morgan Creek, had made it publicly known that they had no intention of doing anything with it. Still, they were taken by surprise by the outpouring of fan response, especially on Phil and Sarah Stokes’ support page on Clive Barker’s official site.
Once they started taking notice, they allowed a special screening of the uncut version of the film at the March HorrorHound Convention in Indianapolis. People lost their minds over it. Since then there’s been a little bit of movement to report including what could be an apparent change of heart on the part of Morgan Creek.
Check out the following update courtesy of CliveBarker.info — “We’re happy to report that, over the past several months, we’ve had a number of cordial and constructive conversations with Morgan Creek, the studio that owns the rights to Nightbreed.
Morgan Creek initiated these conversations – prompted by the huge petition and support for an extended Nightbreed DVD release on this very page and by the noise you’ve generated on horror sites across the internet.
So thank you to everyone who’s added their name and their voice so far and for all your passionate and eloquent support of the movie!
However, we’re less happy to have to tell you that, after discussing the current home entertainment market in “the horror genre” with Warner Bros., Morgan Creek have decided to take “a pause” before deciding to move forward with the DVD release we’re all calling for.
They’ve adopted a “not now” position, telling us that, in their opinion, the current market will not support the required investment in reassembling the master reels to produce a director’s cut of the movie.
Now, it’s not a “never” position – which is a real step forward – but it is a huge disappointment. We are therefore asking for your continued help in showing the size and commitment of Nightbreed’s audience.
Please continue to show your support for an extended release by adding your names to the list ( e-mail here) and by continuing to talk about this campaign in forums and blogs.
We’re working with Clive on planning our next series of conversations with Morgan Creek – your support is what caught the studio’s attention in the first place, so please let’s keep it going. Our thanks in advance!”
This is really good news. Keep pressing, people! We could win this battle yet! Make your voice heard!
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