Zombie-Themed Stationery and More Brands Germany’s 13th Street

Germany’s premier action and suspense television channel, 13th Street, has a branding system that has really been turning heads, even ripping them clean off. If you are even slightly a fan of the undead, you must see what they’ve come up with for their stationery and related office products.
Created for 13th Street by German design agency Jung von Matt, their inspiration and execution is truly a goremeister’s dream. In a word, it is all about zombies. Yes, bloody zombie heads on stationery; an envelope where you can literally rip some ghoul’s eyes off, leaving blood gashes; and the same with note cards. One rip. Exposed sockets. But what about the CD-ROM drive? Well, how about a circular saw in a clear plastic undead adorned case? And binder pages? Those little holes are just another opportunity for eye violence. Same with staples. Ouch! Bleed! Repeat!
Industry folks have also found this series to be bloody good, and it has taken awards in:
- New York Festivals – Silver
- ADC Germany – Bronze
- ADC Europe – Finalist
- D&AD – In Book

Could this be the best thing on earth? Well, maybe just in Zombieland USA. To see the full collection, visit Behance.net.
– Heather Buckley