Retrospective: Attention DC Readers: Where Do We Go Now?

Never let it be said that we’re not a fan’s website! With two killer retrospectives under his belt, our newest Dread Central scribe, Chris Haberman, is looking to find out what YOU want to see next! So take a second and let him know! In return for your input we may even send you out some free swag to go along with our undying gratitude.
Read on for a note from Chris:
“Sometimes life turns a trick or two on you, and that’s fine. It’s okay to wake up some days and feel like eating two kiwis (my wife calls them “gorilla nuts”) and a half a ham sandwich, drinking two beers and a fresh pot of coffee, and writing your heart out. I read somewhere once that Hunter S. Thompson enjoyed a large breakfast – I understand and encourage others to indulge their mornings. Have your alone time and savor it, unless you feel differently … like I do today.
Other days, you wake up and want to lurk the streets with a weed whacker and a filthy cigar jammed in the left side of your mouth. It’s true; if you’re really feeling vengeful, the weed whacker is the way to go. Your victim is guaranteed not just the injury, but a long and painful ordeal with the police and emergency personnel that come to cart them away. This is how I feel during mornings where I want to revisit a film and cannot – cannot – decide which one I’d love to spend hours with. Walking around my home library is a luxury, but a cursed one. Some of you may understand this insane notion.
When mornings like this happen, I may or may not watch a horror film and consider my options. But what kind? One of those beautiful things that work so well over breakfast: Critters 2, Creepshow 2, Jaws 2, Friday the 13th Part 2, The Ebola Syndrome? No … none of those will do. So what now?
A large part of me wants to discuss Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part III. Another can’t stop considering the original It’s Alive. Or maybe that unwarranted rendition of Frankenstein starring Carrie Fisher (Jesus, that VHS artwork is so fantastic)? Night of the Demon from 1980? Frozen Terror? Fright Night II? Monster Dog? Return of the Living Dead Part II? Deadtime Stories? I CAN’T TAKE IT.
This is a Call to All. Apologies to those who disagree with my tactics, but the next retrospective will be a joint effort – help me choose this next high-powered adventure into yesterday, so we can try to better understand what evil was trying to poison us at the time and continues to turn our blood a rich black today.
Many thanks for your assistance,
Chris Haberman — Who may or may not send an e-mail to get the address of the person he’d like to send a present to for his or her suggestions in the comment section below.”
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