Prequel Gains Steam: Planet of the Apes: Caesar

We’re still stunned by the fact that Tim Burton’s Planet of the Apes remake turned out as badly as it did. It should have been a no-brainer and instead it redefined the term “no-brainer” by being as flaccid as it possibly could have been. Word just broke that the film’s prequel is now rocking and rolling with a brand new title to boot!
According to Production Weekly 20th Century Fox has opened production offices at Mammoth Studios in Burnaby, BC with a planned July start for Planet of the Apes: Caesar, the forthcoming prequel to the Tim Burton directed remake that will be helmed by Rupert Wyatt (The Escapist).
Wyatt will be working from a script by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver. No other details were available at press time but we’re hoping for something along the lines of Conquest of the Planet of the Apes which in itself was a prequel starring Roddy McDowall playing a very intelligent ape named Caesar who spearheaded the revolt against the humans. Please powers that be — GIVE US THIS and make it violent!

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