Space Hulk: Deathwing Trailer Vanquishes Ancient Horrors
Despite the fact that the game was announced all the way back in 2013, we’ve only just been given the first gameplay trailer for Space Hulk: Deathwing (official website), which is set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe; and by the looks of it, it was sure worth the wait.
Set on a gigantic, abandoned vessel known as the Space Hulk, which has become infested with unimaginable horrors, the game has you playing as a Librarian, an elite member of the Imperial Space Marines, as you try to vanquish the evil on board. Acclaimed novelist and Warhammer writer Gavin Thorpe was responsible for the story, and a ton of fan-pleasing Easter eggs are promised. And despite being set in the far future, you’ve really gotta love how they replicated that eerie medieval Gothic feel that the 40,000 series has become so infamous for.
Expect to see more of Space Hulk: Deathwing at E3 next month.
Space Hulk: Deathwing is an upcoming first-person shooter set in Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000 universe. Space Hulk: Deathwing is an adaptation of the Space Hulk board game, developed on Unreal Engine 4 by the team behind E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy, Streum on Studio. This trailer introduces the basics of the game: its premise, the teammates, the localized damage system, and some of the fearsome enemies players will encounter.
Infiltrate and explore the Space Hulk “Olethros,” a derelict collection of spaceships and debris filled with hidden dangers and relics. As a Librarian, players can take AI squadmates or have fellow players join them in their investigation into the mystery of Olethros, co-written by renowned Dark Angels writer Gavin Thorpe.
Infesting the Space Hulk are ferocious Genestealers, who utilize ambushes, swarming, and tactical retreats in order to slowly tear down the player’s Terminator armor. Damage is localized, and taking too many hits in certain areas will cause your armor to malfunction. To stop the horde, you’ll have access to a wide assortment of weapons, skills, and powers taken directly from Warhammer 40,000 lore to customize your squad of Dark Angel Terminators.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News