Eva Amurri Goes into Isolation


Eva Amurri Goes into IsolationHospitals, man. Who doesn’t hate them? They’re like a beacon of misery always reminding you that sooner or later you’re going to end up in one for one reason or another. As the new thriller Isolation is going to try and prove — they can also be very scary!

Variety reports that Matty Beckerman’s finance and production shingle Natural Selection has set helmer Stephen T. Kay (“The Shield,” “Friday Night Lights”) to direct horror film Isolation.

The flick, which began lensing January 25th, stars Eva Amurri (pictured right) and David Harbour (Revolutionary Road). Amurri plays a medical student who awakens in a hospital isolation room, having been exposed to an unknown disease, desperately ill and with no recollection of how she got there.

Natural Selection is fully financing the pic and producing with David Greathouse, Principal Entertainment’s Danny Sherman and Josh Kesselman, as well as John Baca.

Chris Billett has penned the screenplay. Look for more soon if we can remember to write something.

Uncle Creepy

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