Motion Picture Purgatory: Thundercrack


Trembles is taking a well deserved two-week break from churning out new editions of his Motion Picture Purgatory so he sent over a blast from the past review of 1975’s cult classic Thundercrack.

The black and white film, which was directed by Curt McDowell, is about a group of people who meet a mysterious woman at her foreboding home on one dark and stormy night. It’s considered a highly controversial mix of horror, explicit sex, and amazing stylized photography.

For those whom Thundercrack has eluded all these years, you’re in luck! Synapse Films will be releasing the flick later this year to coincide with its 35th Anniversary.

“Realism only comes to the screen when the film jams in the projector and the image begins to bubble” -George Kuchar

Rick Trembles' Thundercrack review!

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