Meet Badoet – A Coulrophobic’s Worst Nightmare


It seems as if every time we turn around, there’s some new movie featuring creepy clowns or something like that! Me? I’m waiting for an attack of the mimes myself, but in any event, here’s another look at one all the way from Indonesia! Get up close and personal with the new poster for Badoet.

Awi Suryadi directs. Daniel Topan, Christoffer Nelwan, Aurélie Moeremans, and Ratu Felisha star.

After three children are found tragically dead, a band of college students are forced to conduct an investigation. And that is when terror from a mysterious clown figure starts to mount. Our heroes soon realize that what they are facing is a force that disguises its darkness through laughter—a force so menacing, it will not hesitate to take lives to get what it wants: immortality.





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