French Carnival of Illusions on the Way
Considering that most of what’s come out of France lately has been so incredibly fucked in one way or another, the premise of the latest French horror flick has got me really weary – in a good way. Director Talal Selhami will helm The Carnival of Illusions, a story that promises to bring the creepy…
Variety drums up the premise as follows:
“Carnival turns on a teacher who takes his 11-year-old daughter Liz to a summer boarding school in a quiet Alsace village. Liz begins to hear what seems to be the voice of another student, who’s lying in semi-coma. Meanwhile, her father investigates the death of the teacher he’s replaced.”
Color me interested. While the production has yet to begin on this Carnival (it’s scheduled to commence in the second half of 2010), you know that we’ll keep you in the loop as soon as we learn more.
– MattFini
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