Perlman, Ron (Mutant Chronicles)

In his 28 years in film and television, it would be somewhat of an understatement to say that actor Ron Perlman has enjoyed a vast career. He’s a Golden Globe-winning actor that has worked in almost every aspect of the genre entertainment spectrum, and his latest project, Mutant Chronicles, is no exception.
“>Mutant Chronicles (review), directed by “>Simon Hunter, takes place in 2707 with the world ruled by several different corporations at war with each other. During these wars the corporations unwittingly release deadly necromutants that look to destroy the entire human race. Perlman’s character, Brother Samuel, takes it upon himself unlock the Chronicles that can help defeat the mutants and save the world.
Perlman said, “When I read the script for Mutant Chronicles, I immediately recognized that it took a very smart approach in looking at just how powerful corporations have become. I think there’s no time like the present to examine the power that they wield in our world, and it’s almost realistic that corporations could become more powerful than the idea of nations.”
Even though Perlman said Mutant Chronicles was by far the most green screen work he’s ever done, working with Hunter on the project eased the difficulties in trying to perform in pieced-together sets.
“Simon (Hunter) had drawn out all these worlds for us so we could get a good sense of our environments. Even though making the movie in that kind of environment presented some challenges, Simon was so great at making sure everything about the film just clicked,” discussed Perlman.
While working on Mutant Chronicles, Perlman befriended co-star Thomas Jane, who was gearing up for his first directing project, the 3-D flick The Dark Country (which is set for a late 2009 release).
“Thomas (Jane) has a highly articulated sensibility about tone and dark themes,” said Perlman. “I just knew that working on this film was going to be interesting since the movie takes place in a secluded desert and there are some seriously strange things going on.”
Perlman added, “The Dark Country really reminded me of something Stephen King would come up with, and Tom was so well prepared to work on this film so it was just a pleasure to be there to help him out for the few days I was there to shoot my scenes.”
While Perlman has wrapped up work on several projects recently, that doesn’t mean he’s resting on his laurels. One of the projects he was recently attached to is the highly anticipated Bubba Nosferatu: Curse of the She-Vampires, which is the prequel/follow-up to the Don Coscarelli cult classic Bubba Ho-Tep. For Bubba Nosferatu Perlman will be stepping into the shoes of Elvis since this time around Bruce Campbell has opted to not play the part of The King.
“I have to say that one day randomly getting an email from Paul Giamatti (who plays Colonel Tom Parker) asking you to play Elvis, well, it was one of the best surprises. It’s just something you don’t turn down,” said Perlman. “I immediately went back and watched the first film just so I could immerse myself in this genius world Don (Coscarelli) created, and I am really looking forward to when we start shooting, which should hopefully be late this fall.”
When he’s not appearing in countless films, Perlman finds the time to star in the F/X series Sons of Anarchy about the dramatic lives of those involved in an outlaw motorcycle gang hell-bent on protecting their interests from other nefarious forces. Perlman stars as Clay, one of the leaders of the club who may have darker motives than he leads on.
Perlman discussed the series, saying, “Sons of Anarchy was nowhere on my radar in terms of projects to work on. It’s like it just fell out of the ether and right into my lap. The quality of the writing on the show is amazing, and it’s such a wonderful challenge for me as an actor to be on this show. It certainly doesn’t escape me how rare it is to get to work on a show of this caliber.”
Even though he has a lot of roles ahead of him, Perlman is the first to realize that it takes a sensible approach in order to balance working in Hollywood.
“My career has taught me over the years that I just have to take it one project at a time. When I start filming season two, that’s all I will be doing for the next five months. When we wrap there, then I move on. But I just don’t have the energy to juggle work,” Perlman explained.
One project that isn’t on Perlman’s immediate radar is Hellboy 3, which would be years off if director Guillermo del Toro helms the next installment (del Toro is currently working on back-to-back Hobbit films).
Even if Perlman has to wait a few years to step back into the role of “Red,” he knows that he’s had an amazing ride so far and only has the future to look towards.
“I spent so many years being busy trying to stay in the game so it’s only as of late that I realize just how blessed I have been in my career,” said Perlman. “I am so appreciative for the amount of opportunities I have been given. It’s been nothing short of spectacular.”
Mutant Chronicles is now available on HDNet Ultra VOD and will be playing theatrically starting April 24th.
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