The Home Headed for the Big Screen

Fans of Scott Nicholson’s book The Home (review here) have a big reason to smile today as the 2005 novel has been optioned by producer Lea Marin, with Sean Frewer attached to direct.
The Home tells the tale of Freeman Mills, a twelve-year-old boy with a rough past. A psychopathic father and a torturous childhood have landed him in group home after group home, filled with well-meaning do-gooders who want to help or “heal” him. Wendover Home is no different, he believes. The other children are troubled and unwanted, and the staff is a mixture of religious zealots and pure scientific fanatics. But there is more to Wendover than just the high stone walls and the pale blue of the boys’ dormitory. Strange experiments are being performed that threaten to bring Wendover’s past back to chilling light.
Look for more on this flick really soon!
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