Bloody Rage Of Bigfoot Teases Ummm… Something

We’ve been bringing you updates on a new Sasquatchploitation flick called The Bloody Rage of Bigfoot that will allegedly be in 3D. Today we have a new poster and teaser trailer. Ummm…
For those in need of a refresher as to what this film is all about, just click here and save me the trouble of reposting the plot synopsis. For the rest of you, we now have our first teaser trailer for The Bloody Rage of Bigfoot and… Ummm…
Okay, the guy in the gorilla suit you’ll see, that’s not Bigfoot. That’s something else going on in the movie that involves a character in a gorilla suit. Bigfoot itself doesn’t actually appear in the teaser. Ummm…
Before any of you have a look at this minute-long ummm… I don’t even know what to call it… director James Baack says the following about what we’ll see:
“I know the trailer looks like a psychedelic nightmare, but it will all make sense once the film is released. This film will be jam packed with bizarre imagery and weird symbolism, but it all works out in the end. Remember, this film is 70 minutes long and features: Bigfoot, A Demonic Beast, A Witch, a Psychotic Clown, and three Gothic Teenagers dabbling in the supernatural. I promise a good time will be had by all!”

– The Foywonder
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