Eve Creator Talks Hack/Slash Similarities

Since the news about Eve broke a few days ago, the Internet genre sites have been rife with talk about its similarity to another project that is in the works called Hack/Slash. Eve creator Brian Metcalf has spoken out about the situation.
Metcalf wrote in to UHM with this to say:
“I have just recently been made aware of these threads going on so I thought I would respond in person. I had never previously heard of Hack/Slash until now and from the looks of it, it is something right down my alley – nice art, story premise obviously. But I do realize the similarities. The bit with Eve’s father and Cassie’s mother is strikingly similar.
Now, I never did steal from this comic as my idea came when I watched a horror marathon when I was young with Friday the 13th, Happy Birthday to Me and others at a friend’s house. Due to that, I noticed one thing in common, that all the girl victims ended up killing the psychos. I wanted to take that premise a step further and see what happens after that fact. Then I came up with the idea of Eve cutting a smile in her hand due to her abusive father telling her to smile all the time. The original story goes that she discovers this, is almost killed but the police save her at the last moment.
The rest I can assure is quite different than Hack/Slash due to now researching the comic. I did try to get this film made back in 1999 and executives told me that nobody would want to see a film like this. Now because of the striking similarities and with respect to Mr. Seeley and his beautiful work, I would now like to go a different direction as I REFUSE to do something that someone else is doing, even if its bankable. It has actually hurt my career as I turned down films with premises about a killer going after a group of teens in the woods.
I also ended up turning down other ideas that were somewhat similar. I love this genre dearly, am an avid horror fan, and want to give viewers something new and unique. And I definitely don’t want another comparison like Deep Impact/Armageddon. I created Fading of the Cries as my solution to the zombie horror franchise because it’s about a hero that manages to use a sword to kill the undead with a superhero touch to it. It isn’t about a bunch of survivors running from the undead where they get shot in the head.
Even if I were in mid-production and made aware of this, I wouldn’t let it get out. My congratulations to Mr. Seeley for putting out a comic that was published a number of years ago that I want to run and pick up. I would be upset to if the same happened to me. If I can’t add some more originality to Eve, then I won’t release it.”
Kudos to Brian for stepping up without pulling any punches. Keep it right here for more on Eve as it gets closer to gettin’ cooking!
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