Satan Will C Me Dance This Weekend!

I swear to you the following story is not an April Fool’s joke. There really is a PG-rated Christian-themed horror flick based around the world of ballet dancing entitled C Me Dance opening in very limited release this Friday. Seriously. I swear on a stack of bibles this is no joke.
I didn’t even know C Me Dance existed until I was looking up movie times for films opening at a local theater on Friday and saw the title listed. I assumed it was just going to be another teen dance flick until I Googled it and discovered it was the latest piece of Christsploitation hoping to follow on the heels of the surprise success of Kirk Cameron’s Fireproof.
Written and directed by “Pastor” Greg Robbins, C Me Dance is an “inspiring story of spiritual warfare” about 17-year old Sheri, raised by her hard-working, God-fearing father after mom was killed in a car accident. Her dream to one day dance for the Pittsburgh Ballet shatters when she collapses during a rehearsal and is diagnosed with a terminal blood disease. Feeling betrayed by the Lord, Sheri begins rebelling. Her father sets out to keep her on the right path with God and help her live out her ballet dream before dying. One night after an extensive prayer session asking God for strength and the clarity as to what He wants Sheri to do for Him before dying, a miracle happens that causes Sheri to be able to bring people to Christ with absolutely no effort at all. Infuriated, the Devil himself sets out to put a stop to Sheri, her rejuvenated love for Christ, and her new-found instant conversion skills, leading to a battle between good and evil.
In other words, this movie and its message sound about as subtle as a Passion of the Christ torture scene. But the Dove Foundation scored the film a four out of five so it’s clearly going to be one of those movies that preaches to the converted. I did find a “Marketing Note” on the C Me Dance website I found rather amusing:
“This movie is a chick flick with a manifested menacing devil. This will attract a wide demo of men and women.”
Oh, something tells me not nearly as wide as Pastor Greg thinks.
One look at the trailer for C Me Dance already leads me to believe I might have been a tad too hard on the other recent Christan-based horror outings Thr3e and House, both of which had a professional polish to the filmmaking; this just looks like some cheap made-for-Trinity Broadcasting television production. There also looks to be a good reason why the movie isn’t called C Me Act.
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