Pascal Laugier Raises Hell About Dogs, Details & More!

“It’s a good time to be me,” Pascal Laugier jokingly told the folks at Fangoria recently during an in-depth interview. The French director of “>Martyrs touched upon all his upcoming projects, and we’ve got the highlights for you.
First on everyone’s mind is undoubtedly the Hellraiser remake he’s prepping for Dimension Films. “I’m now working on it with a co-writer I cannot name,” Pascal said. “We do not want to remake the original movie, as that would be a pointless exercise, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable messing with what is essentially a solid horror/fantasy. So we’re trying to respect Clive Barker’s original material while bringing totally fresh angles to it … It’s taking a while to come together, because all involved want to get it absolutely right.”
He also spilled some details about Details, a project with Paramount Vantage based on a novella by the famous, hip London-based writer China Mieville. “The story, inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s writings, is about a boy looking after a weird old woman who discovers strange forces hidden in the creased fabric of our world. Mieville is a smart guy and a very dark horror writer … It’s more a piece of abstract literature you feel in your gut, and straightening it out into a more literal screenplay is hard.”
Lastly, he touched upon Dogs, described as “Cujo times 40. The main character of a war veteran under attack by a pack of dogs is very cool, and it’s brilliantly written. I loved the script and found it a thrilling page-turner. Right now I’m waiting for the finances to come together and am hoping for good news in the next week or so.”
For even more from Laugier, including a few comments about the inevitable American Martyrs remake, click here for the full Fango interview.
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