Get Ready for a Grave Reality

Here at DC we’re always on the lookout for interesting sounding indie projects to point our readers toward, so when filmmaker Oliver Tosh dropped us a line about Grave Reality, which he describes as “a hair-raising comic book style horror film with a provocative plot,” we had to do a little more digging.
Comprised of three separate stories à la Creepshow and Tales From the Crypt, Tosh’s Grave Reality aims to be more than just a movie. In the filmmaker’s own words, he wants to “change the industry.” A lofty goal indeed!
Story One of the film tells the tale of a couple of libidinous college girls, Kirsten (Lanie Hoxie) who is ostensibly sweet but very sexy and her friend Rachel (Kelli Cozlin) a lustful Goth, who are walking home from school when Kirsten’s boyfriend Bobby (Michael Santi) a former quarterback, shows up and the concupiscent trio trail off into a graveyard. Titillating erotic passion ensues as a spiteful soul (Richard Lord) is awoken and now longs for a gore-filled revenge. Hmmm … It doesn’t sound too revolutionary, but in the right hands it could definitely be a fun time.
Tosh hopes to screen the first segment in May of this year to limited audiences and says, “Depending on funding, I’m anticipating filming Story Two in the summer of 2009 and following shortly after with filming the third and final story to complete Grave Reality.”
Check out the trailer below, and for more info visit the film’s official site.
– Debi Moore
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