The Trailer From Parts Unknown

Ladies and gentleman! In this corner I’d like to introduce to you a movie that features, wrestling, green slime, homicidal video game players, a zombie woman in a cage fight, and … a midget. All hailing From Parts Unknown!
How I love my job! Getting to report on wacky shit sure makes the day go faster, and this flick is the perfect case in point! Let’s take a look at the synopsis, such as it is!
“Charlie leads two lives. By day she’s an overworked paper-pusher for the global video game developer, Corporation X. By night she’s a professional wrestler with dreams of becoming a champion like her father.
When her evil boss uses stolen nano technology to give their latest video game powerful addictive qualities, the results are apocalyptic.
With players turning into homicidal maniacs, a mountain of paper-work on her desk, and a championship to win, Charlie is forced to find the hero within and save the world from an apocalypse of video game madness…
Fight like a girl, it’s the end of the world!”
I know what you’re thinking … Sold! From Parts Unknown stars Jenna Dwyer, as the professional wrestler by day – office worker by night heroine in her debut acting role. Ross Ditcham (The Beautiful & the Damned), Josh Futcher (The Condemned) and Elke Osadnik (Little Black Dress) co-star and Sarah Howett (Gladiators) and Mick Preston (Godzilla: Final Wars) also appear in featured roles..
No word on a release date yet but click the image below to check out the site and the official unofficial trailer!

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