World War Z Film Update

If you’re anything like me, and my condolences if you are, then you are eagerly anticipating the film adaptation of Max Brook’s zombie novel World War Z. Recently there’s been little news regarding it, but finally some has begun to trickle out.
IGN caught up with director Marc Forster (Quantum of Solace) about the project and he had this to say:
“At this point it’s still in development, I’m still working on the script, so I don’t know if it will be my next movie. It’s a book I really like, it has these interesting different elements to it, and I think it’s a subject matter that would be really interesting to turn into a movie. It won’t be a straight-forward genre piece; it’s like a hybrid type of film so it will be very unusual.”
Stay tuned for more as it comes! If you haven’t read the book (World War Z book review here) yet, do yourself a favor — click below and get yourself a copy like yesterday.
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