Everybody Run! Fast Zombies With Guns!

You always have to love a movie whose title also doubles for the plot synopsis. Such a case is Fast Zombies With Guns. For all of you out there who hate zombies that can run, this time they can run and shoot.
“Collateral damage … sometimes it’s unavoidable. Paul Varlo’s (Charles Ramsey) attempt to kill the man who is going to rat him out by poisoning his water supply leads to an outbreak of zombie carnage! To make matters worse, these zombies are different, they’re faster, meaner and they’re armed!
With the town being overrun by fast zombies with guns, one group of people are attempting to make their escape to Chicago to survive.
Meanwhile, Jake (Tony Swansey) and his girlfriend Laura (Leena Kurishingal) are on their way to Spring Grove to bring Varlo a priceless heirloom and collect their 2 million dollars. They make it to Spring Grove and discover an empty town, its streets paved in blood.
Will the group survive the terror that has befallen them? Will Jake and Laura get their 2 million? Will the zombies run out of bullets?”
The website Row Three brought us first word of this microbudget effort written and directed by Bennie Woodell. You can find a trailer for the film over at the official website. If you like what you see, it appears you can go ahead and purchase Fast Zombies With Guns as well already. Just don’t expect to outrun them.
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