Re-Animator Redux Coming … in 3D?!?

Most of us are fans of the film Re-Animator, and honestly, if you’re not, I really have to wonder what the hell you’re doing here. Suffice it to say that if the visage of a head giving head doesn’t instantly bring a smile to your face, then you should be surfing elsewhere. Well, after countless stories about the next chapter, we finally have some news that seems concrete.
Shock Till You Drop spoke with producer Ray Haboush today and learned that both he and series staple Brian Yuzna are looking to remake the movie in 3D.
No word on any casting or if Combs would be returning to the role which he made so famous, but we’ll be monitoring the situation carefully.
Personally, the thought of entrails flying out of the screen tickles me fucking pink, so here’s to hoping Yuzna and Haboush can get this puppy cooking.
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