Patrol Men: Best Z-Grade Horror Film Ever Made?

A very strange email showed up in my inbox today from three men named David, Ben, and Niall. It didn’t say much other than providing a setting and scenario for an upcoming project called Patrol Men, which they claim will be the “best Z-grade horror film ever made.”
Peyton Island – located south of the British Isles. Population – very few. Nobody is allowed out after dark. The curfew is enforced by a gang of militants known only as the Patrol Men. When a rebellious teenager gets into trouble, Alex decides to question some of the Island’s strict rules. Alex may only be fifteen, small, and naive, but she quickly realizes that she is the only one who can uncover the mystery of Peyton Island.
Alex isn’t in Wonderland anymore…
So I thought, “Okay; I’ll bite.” A link was provided to the filmmakers’ blog, wherein I learned a little more: Patrol Men is a horror film, set on a fictitious Island. In true horror fashion, the Island has a flaw… Take The Wicker Man, add some of The Crazies, spread some Marxism, think about Twilight, listen to some Jazz, read Animal Farm, and think about Paul Thomas Anderson, look at Danny Boyle’s manipulation of the digital medium, study Jack Nicholson’s madness in The Shining, check out American indie fashion, discover 60-70’s lost horror classics, take a B-movie plot, and direct it like a C-grade film.
Patrol Men is the experimental, stupid, surreal, and heartfelt story that we must express at this age.
Holy crap! That’s a lot to digest! Patrol Men is set for release in May, 2009, so keep it here for more details as we get them.
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