Rodriguez to Write & Direct Nerverackers

I don’t know about you, but I learned two things from Demolition Man; one is that blondes really do have more fun. The other? That futuristic societies in which all crime has been abolished are bound to crack.
Such is the lesson Robert Rodriguez will be teaching us yet again with his latest project, the futuristic thriller Nerverackers. Variety reports this morning that Rodriguez will both write and direct the pic for Dimension, with a release date already set: April 16th, 2010.
Nerverackers will be set in 2085 and follow a character named Joe Tezca, who is part of an elite unit dispatched to bring down a crime wave in a supposedly “perfect” society. Normally I would scoff at someone trying to re-teach any lesson taught by Wesley Snipes, but since it’s Rodriguez I’m sure it’s going to be worth watching. Stay tuned for more!
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