Diamond Select’s The Walking Dead Minimates Series 3 Is Nearly Here!
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The Season 3 finale of “The Walking Dead” airs tomorrow night, and readers of the long-running Skybound comic book on which the show is based cannot wait to see how the Prison vs. Woodbury story arc will play out on the small screen.
Coincidentally, Diamond Select Toys is busy prepping its third series of comic-based Walking Dead Minimates for release, and we thought we’d show off the final packaging for the Toys “R” Us assortment.
Rick in Riot Gear with Guard Zombie, Dexter with Dreadlock Zombie, Glenn with Vest Zombie, and Carol with Pole Zombie are all due out at Toys “R” Us and on toysrus.com in May. Around the same time comic shops and specialty stores will get their own exclusive assortment including Rick, Dexter, Hershel, and Tyreese.
I’m sure we’ll all be needing to comfort each other come Monday morning, but in the meantime check out the pics below, and enjoy the finale!
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