‘King On Screen’ Director Daphné Baiwir on Her Ambitious New Stephen King Documentary [Fantastic Fest 2022 Interview]

What would the world be like without Stephen King? It’s hard to imagine a time when his characters didn’t exist, whether they continue to live only in novels or eventually made their way to the big screen. Now that over 50 directors have adapted King’s work in more than 80 films and television series, chances are that your favorite story has received the Hollywood treatment at some point.
In Daphné Baiwir’s engrossing documentary King on Screen, the main focus is on the majority of filmmakers who have reimagined the master of horror’s work over the years. Featuring revealing interviews with Frank Darabont, Mick Garris, Mike Flannagan, and Greg Nicotero (to name a few), Baiwir chooses to focus on each director’s passion for King’s bottomless imagination and how their talents breathed new life into his creations.
King on Screen also features an incredible fictional opening that delves into the Kingverse in a new and exciting way. The introduction features cameos from old friends like Miko Hughes (Pet Sematary), Amy Irving (Carrie), Carel Stuycken (Gerald’s Game), James Caan (Misery), and even Tim Curry.
In our video interview below, Baiwir talks about the challenges in making such an ambitious opening, the countless easter eggs that appear throughout the doc, and how she first fell in love with King’s vast amount of work.
King on Screen premieres at Fantastic Fest on Saturday, September 24 with three more screenings on Monday, September 26. Follow us on Dread Central to learn when and where you can see King on Screen when its festival run is finished!